Amaphupho/ Dreams and their meanings
How does one explain or give meaning to a dream outside of a proper reading and consultation? I am often amazed at how people are so quick to offer meanings to dreams. The chances of one dream meaning the same thing for two different people are very slim if any at all. We are all different and unique, with different amaDlozi hence the secrets of each household's umsamo will differ from one person to the other. Amathongo and amaDlozi from each household have different ways of communicating with their subjects and how they communicate is very important to note. This is more important for those who are gifted or have the calling as the dreams carry important messages which should not be misread.There are however, those dreams that generally point at an ancestral calling as well as state in which the ancestors are in. These dreams include but are not limited to: Dreams about the sea/ocean. Dreams about Rivers or waterfalls. Dreams about snakes or lions Dreams about ...