
Showing posts from 2016

African Medicinal Herbs - Izintelezi

Izintelezi (to name a few) Impundu Umathithibala Umabophe Usilephe Ikhathazo Indungulu Imboziso Impila Impinda Umpikayiboni Umluthu Ivimbukhalo Imfingo Udakwa Inyathelo Insulansula Untonganazibomvana Umaphipha-intelezi Iphamba Icimamlilo Uphindemuva Uzangume Unkungwini Umayime Umabusana Inyokiziphinda Umlahleni Idlula Ibheka Ingcotha <script data-ad-client="ca-pub-4106227088418474" async src=""></script>

Spiritual Life Coaching - The Wheel of Life

A glimpse of the Spiritual Life Coaching Series The wheel of life exercise is very effective and will help you look at all areas of your life and consider them each in turn, Allowing you to see what is off balance? This exercise will also help you identify your goals, if you have not already done so. This powerful tool will give you a visual representation of the way your life is now and ideally what it will be like in the future. Take that and compare it with the outcomes from your personalised reading ! Example. Step back and take a look at your wheel of life. How balanced are you? Are you on the correct path in your life? How bumpy would the ride be if this was a real wheel? What is your course of action to bring a healthy balance to your wheel of life? What do your guides recommend? Love, Light & Blessings <script data-ad-client="ca-pub-4106227088418474" async src=""></script...

Spiritual Life Coaching

Connecting to the Spirit Within Life can feel a little bit empty when we don’t have an understanding of why we are here and what we are doing on this planet. Understanding who we are and where we come from is central to feeling whole and complete. It also helps to make us feel secure, certain, and stable. When we identify with the spirit that fuels the very life we live, we can begin living on a radically new level of prosperity and wholeness. Living with the awareness of our inner spirit can be a simple change that can, in turn, dramatically enhance and enrich our lives. There is never a disconnection between us as people and our spirits, but we can sometimes feel estranged from who we are deep down. Reconnecting with this part of ourselves and identifying with the spirit that dwells within can help us find our balance and our strength. Additionally, it gives us the inspiration to create and work at higher standards. There is much more to life than going to work and paying the b...

Our Services

Our healing process is basically based on: Cleansing  – Making your ancestors be able to communicate with you through dreams and visions thus opening up the communication channels between you and your ancestors. Ancestor Identification - Assist in the identification of  the ancestor which is looking after you (your leading guides)  and  how to look after that person.  Ukuhlola  ( readings) – Personal consultation as well distant consultations before performing any healing. The first step is checking and seeing what is the root problem is and then advising on how to remedy that situation or problem. Spiritual Life Coaching - Changing the way you operate on a deeper level. We delve into your deep rooted beliefs and your connection to spirit and the divine. African Spirituality Educational Workshops There are also clients who prefer to order certain healing treatments without ukuhlola first, and in such cases the client usually knows ex...