
I think it's high time that we set the record straight on some issues.
Yes we do distant readings and as such the outcome of the reading will determine the steps to be taken thereafter. Now, the norm is that we prepare, package and post your parcel to you overnight at your own cost. However we have recently had strange requests where people expect us to give them a list of imithi  to buy and put together on their own. Which basically translates to us giving away isikhwama. Bakwethu Preparation of umuthi does not only mean mixing of the different izimpande it also extends to ukubusisa and transferring of healing energy to impande. So please bear that in mind as well.

To our clients abroad, please note that the weight of your parcel contributes greatly to postage cost, that said we also do not do AR (Advise of delivery) without prior as this is an extended service and will therefore add onto the cost of postage. However should you require this service then kindly indicate.


  1. thokoza nginenkinga ngisesgodlweni ngisanda kungena inkinga yami ngiyakhohlwa amaphupho

  2. Khuluma nogobela wakho ngenkinga obhekene nayo ngiyethemba uzokwazi ukubheka ukuthi konakelephi.

  3. Thokoza gogo. Nginamaphupho engingawaqondi kahle. Ngiphupha izinyoka ezisilver ezincane kanye nezinkulu ezinemuqga obomvu. Zonke ziya landelana. Kuhamba ezincane phambili. Ngiphupha ngihamba namadoda am ability Siya esibayeni lapho sithole khona kubulewe inyoka enkulu. Lenyoka kade isithandele umuntu yamphula izinyawo. Lamadoda ebengihamba nawo athi adinga ikhanda lalenyoka ukulapha lomuntu ophukile. Ikhanda lalenyoka bese linqunyiwe lifakwe emgodini. Ngaphuma esibayeni ngabona umkhukhu ngaphakathi kune mpepho eshayo ibekwe phansi. Kunamashelufu kubekwe Imithi ngamabhodlela. Nicela incazelo gogo izinto zami Zonke azilungi.


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