Energy ⚡️
Everything is energy ⚡️ And being in a high-vibrational energy state is not only our birthright but our most powerful magnet. All of us have access to that state, but we easily lose touch with it through our programming and beliefs… through social and cultural conditioning… And when we lose touch with it, our energies get blocked… which affects every single area of our lives. How to know if your energy is blocked? Here are the most common signs 👇 #1: You feel painfully stuck: You feel trapped in a hurricane of chaotic events, and the struggle, heaviness, and confusion have no end in sight. You feel like you’re totally out of control… and life is happening to you, not for you. #2: You constantly feel low on energy: Even if you meditate or exercise for an hour, the energetic boost disappears as fast as it comes. Then you feel like you’ve hit a brick wall again. And again… and again… #3: You struggle with depression & anxiety: Everything feels overwhelmingly heavy… as if...