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  16. Isiswa kanjani lemimoya emibi ngithwele nzima ngalemimoya iyangichithela yonke indawo

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Thokoza Gogo

    Nginabantu ABADALA basolwandle,sengisinde eziwombeni seziningi ezimbi. Sengike ngathandana nomuntu wesfazane onezizwe 3years ngingaboni kodwa igazi lisho ukuthi khona into engekho right ngaye. Saxabana ngaze ngaya kubantu ababonayo, abanye bethi unedlozi eliphezulu losisi, abanye bethi amadlozi ethu awazwani kanti unezizwe losisi. Wayevele ashintshe akhulume njengendoda uma enami. Kanti yonke lento eyakubo bewumndeni. Manje losisi wayebonakala ukuth lento akayifuni kodwa inkinga ingaphezu kwakhe iyamgqilaza, iyamsabisa. Ngagcina ngokumyeka ngoba kwase kuqala ukumosheka neyami impilo. Manje kusukela lapho izinto zami ziyalunga kubuye kube mnyama, nalosisi kuthiwa usangikhalela namanje ukuth ngamushiya enkingeni

  19. Unknown 10 JULY 2019
    Thokoza Gogo
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