Ukuvuma Idlozi/Accepting a calling - Part 2

People need to understand that not everyone onabantu abadala and not not everyone who completes ukuthwasa aphothule will become a practicing isangoma.

Sometimes all the ancestors want is for someone to rectify the mistakes that they made besaphila. i.e. It could be that they never accepted their calling nor acknowledged abanikazi beziphiwo zabo or perhaps they did not believe in ancestors etc. So as a result, when they pass on they are unable to be reunited to the rest of the ancestors and their spirits linger around in limbo or in search of a soul that can fulfill the what they were not able to. Once they attach or possess that soul, they start to make themselves known by afflicting pain and misfortune on their subject. This by the way is their way of saying, 'get your ass up and go find out why all this is happening to you'  which is very selfish if you ask me. Mind you labantu come to their subject in an uncleansed   state, they carry so much baggage with them in terms of emotions and unfortunately the chosen soul gets to feel all of this.

The affected soul then seeks help and goes through ukuvuma or initiation with the belief that they will become great healers or that they will never have to to work a day in their lives because of these great spirits that they carry with them. Which is all misleading! All is good and well until the end of intiation/ukuphothula. Once at home umakhosi:

  1. akakwazi ukukhulela emadlozini/emakhosini, 
  2. akawazi ukuhlolela abantu??!! 
  3. he/she complains that abadala don't communicate anymore
Aqale phansi now and goes to consult. He/she gets told a load you know what about ukuthi waphambaniselwa etc. etc....  When all there is to it is that :

  1. amadlozi are now appeased hence the lack of communication
  2. all they wanted was for he/she to cleanse them, fulfill their wish of going through ukuvuma and ukuthwasa so that they could be reunited with our maker and the rest of amathongo and amadlozi

Having said all this, I would like to encourage everyone to ask as many questions as possible meniyohlola. Do not come out of a consultation with unanswered questions! If healer admits that they don't know or do not have answers to a question, don't fret and push them into a corner until they tell you fibs. Be satisfied and appreciative of that honesty and do your research.


  1. Gogo ngiyabonga. Inkosi ikubusise ngakho konke osungenzele kona. Ungisize la besenginikezele khona. I never knew that impilo yam bingabuye ibuyele isimweni esiryt. You helped me when I didn't even have imali yokukhanyisa, wangibekezelela nemibuzo yam. Yazi sometimes uya kumuntu ngoba udesperate not knowing ukuthi lowomuntu is a living, walking, talking guardian angel. Uyikho konke kimi. Unga ma wami ngokwedlozi, ungudadewethu uphinde ube umngani futhi. Ngiyambonga uthixo ngawe Ndloldlo.

  2. I need ur email add, mine is

  3. This is very insightful indeed, much appreciated. Ngempela siyahamba sihlangane futhi nabantu abazosilahlekisa ngoba bengazi nabo kepha I still believe bona abadala should guide you ngako konke. I cant go for a consultation for one thing and then ndixelelwe uba I have abantu abadala whom have never tried to contact me in any way kanti ihamba njani lento

    1. Lutsha thanx for mentioning that I believe that abadala should at least try to make contact and show you how to do things not all this suffering we endure

    2. Thank you so much for this Blog and posts. I have so many questions and things that are confusing me.

      I will email you Gogo. Thank you kindly!

  4. Mona go go ngiphupha njalo kabi nakahle ,okanye ngiye ngyenze nje ngoba ngiphuphule okunye kungangicaceli kahle ukuthi ngenzenjani ,kodwa njalo mangiya kohlola cushy kushiwo into eyodwa,sneeze imisebenzi eminingi eyahlukeni from kunkukhu ,mbuzi Kane nezimvu,kusafana,manje ngise ngayeka nomsebenzi omuhle ngingena cala esikhulu,futhi mangihlola ngalo icala lademsebenzini akuveli lutho,i mali iphelile nginezingane ezisafunda,nginovalo ngekusasa lamp,please ngicela ukucaciselwa ungathi unboxer or email me,ngiyabonga


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